Food News and Views From Around the World
Do You Drink Alcohol?
UPDATE: 5:54 PM 3/5/2009
New Study Reveals Even Modest Use of Wine, Beer, Alcohol, Spirits Strongly Increases Cancer Risks for Women – in Particular: Breast, Rectal, Liver, Esophageal, Oral Phalanx
Do you drink? You may want to consider the following new information…
A new study involving 1.3 million women in the U.K. has revealed that even light to moderate use of alcohol "were strongly predictive" of increased risk of the following common cancers:
breast cancer
rectal cancer
liver cancer
esophageal cancer
oral phalanx cancer
The type of alcohol, whether it be wine, beer or other spirits made no difference. This is the largest and most comprehensive study thus far with well documented results.
The head of the Division of Preventon and Populations Sciences at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute says that the concerns were so great as to say, "From a standpoint of cancer risk, the message of this report could not be clearer. There is no level of alcohol consumption that can be considered safe."
In the U.K., researchers esimate that alcohol accounts annually for about 11% of all breast cancers, 22% of liver cancers, 9% of rectal cancers, and 25% of cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, and larynx.
What does this mean?
It seems that we will all have to decide whether we are willing to subject ourselves to increased risk of cancer due to alcohol consumption.
Will only an occasional drinking episode increase the risk?
Many people have reached their 90s and even higher while having an occasional drink. One renowned individual drank 12 ounces of new, home produced wine per day and lived a happy and healthy life until the age of 93.
Does this study relate solely to women?
Dr. Lauer concludes with this rather interesting paragraph:
"… Despite its attractions, alcohol has been the proximate cause of a great deal of human misery, now with additional documentation by the elegant report of Allen et al. Perhaps the complex story of alcohol can be best summed up by what the great professor Albus Dumbledore said about truth in one of his conversations with his student Harry Potter: "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution."
More Information:
Article by Original Researchers:
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Radio Excerpt by Dr. Michael Lauer
American Cancer Society:
Long John Silver Announces New Healthy Menu 5:47 PM 12/8/2008
We could not resist reporting on Long John Silvers relatively new Freshside Grill selections. Why?
Probably because we cut our teeth on Long John’s. It remains one of the last few fast food places serving seafood.
In addition, we applaud, encourage and salute their efforts to focus on Health.
There are fish fillet sandwiches here and there, but none could compare with the Long. Why? Perhaps it was those thick fillets…
Secondly, in terms of deliciousness, Long John’s usually satisfies, junky or not.
In the U.S., Long John Silvers is most noted for their delicious fried seafood selections.
They have recently announced their new healthy menu. And, it actually seems rather delectable…
Admittedly, we are long time Long John Silvers fans. Fish and Chips… what’s not to like? Of course we won’t break stride by discussing England’s Beer Battered F and C… some other time…
The new entrees and side dishes include Fillet of Pacific Salmon, Grilled Tilapia, Shrimp Scampi, mixed buttered vegetables, corn on the cob, miniature French Baguettes and long grained seasoned rice.
Seasonings include natural herbs, flavorful combinations of red bell pepper, black pepper, garlic and olive oil or butter, garlic and herb sauces.
Easy on the salt please – our only complaint as the less salt, the better.
Notes: We do deplore their use of Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening and MSG. We ask that they kindly eliminate these ingredients. Other than that, yummometer reading: 5
Gout Can Rear Its Ugly, Painful Head During the Holidays – A Rising Health Problem
Gout, an affliction of Royalty and the Rich can be excruciating when little acid crystal slivers form in joints due to dietary excesses.
Foods that May Trigger Very Painful Gout Episodes:
Organ Meats such as liver, kidneys, beef, beer, shellfish, turkey and gravy, fructose corn syrup, softdrinks, mushrooms, anchovies, sardines, asparagus, peas, beans, alcohol.
New Gout Treatment:
About 5 million people in the U.S. suffer from gout (a form of arthritis caused by a build-up of uric acid in the blood). Uloric, as the new drug is called, works by reducing levels of uric acid.
Dr. Hyon K. Choi, a gout expert at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada has found that low-fat dairy products and lots of coffee — more than four cups a day — seem to protect against gout.
Questions and Answers about Gout – PDF (Right Click and Save Target As)