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Hamsters Are Gourmets : )

How To Feed Your Hamster

How To Feed Your Hamster

Some hamsters are so sweet and adorable. Others like to nip. But they all are very aware, and will come to recognize your voice and gentle touch.

They enjoy many delicious treats – especially fresh vegetables, fruit and sprouts.

You can supplement their diet with sprouted wheat, peas, sunflowers, pumpkin seeds – almost any fresh sprout is safe. Always consult with your veterinarian! : )

We don’t recommend spicy sprouts such as onions or radish – the milder, the better.

Finely chopped organic broccoli (they often love little bits of the head), cabbage, dark green lettuce, kale, fresh apples, bits of almond, corn on the cob (they love this!), cashews, peanuts, sunflower seeds, red or yellow bell pepper, cauliflower, carrots are a wonderful food source.

Along with some organic oats and hamster chow, they should thrive.

Try to check out expiration dates – the farther into the future, the better.

Nuts, seeds and grain germs (the little heart of grains) have a tendency to rancidify and oxidize very quickly. Rancid fats and oils are very harmful.

Unless you have the purest tap water, we recommend giving your littlest animals and birds high quality filtered or bottled water. They have high metabolic rates, and the better quality and purer their food and water, the more likely they will live long and happy lives.

More Detailed Information Regarding Hamster “Fooding”

Try to be fairly consistent with feeding – a severe dietary change can upset a little hamster’s tummy, and schedule. They are very much creatures of habit, and thrive under a consistent feeding program.

You can make your own hamster mix if you have a healthfood store close by that sells bulk grains, nuts, seeds. Some of the more choice items are flaked or whole grains such as oats, wheat, barley, spelt, kamut, millet. You can add smaller amounts of raw, unsalted seeds and nuts such as sunflower, and pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, (use nuts sparingly) pistachios. Bird Seed can be a good addition.

By adding fresh organic chopped greens, vegetables, sprouts and fruits, store them in the fridge and serve daily, your hamster will be exceedingly content and happy. They require very little, the expense is very minor, and the health benefits are huge.

They enjoy their fresh veggies and fruits very much. Minced apple suits them well, as well as a bit of carrot. They seems to be particularly fond of broccoli, romaine lettuce, kale, cabbage, parsley, watercress, wheatgrass, and clover.

Hamsters love sprouted grains, seeds, legumes. If you sprout for yourself (a good idea) be sure to give a bit to your hamster or other small rodents. They love them, and they’re extremely healthy and nutritious.

Even though your hamster will eat almost anything if hungry enough, they require no meat, eggs or milk products if properly fed a complete vegetarian diet.

Hamsters can come down with cancer and other afflictions on a processed diet as much as we can.

Always be sure to provide fresh, clean water at all times


Store all food in air tight containers – grains, nuts and seeds can be stored in the freezer or fridge, all the rest can be stored in the fridge.

Today’s kibble oftentimes has additives, chemicals, preservatives, dyes, by products and filler than can be less than optimal for your pet. We recommend avoiding these processed foods if at all possible.

Premade Hamster Mixes are fine as long as they are very fresh. Rancidity is very harmful.

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